1. Participant Introductions
2. Training Purposes and Timeline
3. Concept of nutrition surveillance / information system
4. Objectives of Nutrition Surveillance
5. Which population groups should be monitored?
6. Anthropometric and biochemical indicators
7. Indicators of underline causes (Care Practices, Food Security, Health and morbidity, WASH)
8. How to select indicators
9. Methods for data collection (Large scale nutrition surveys, Repeated Nutrition Survey, Clinic-based monitoring, Sentinel Sites, School Census, Rapid Nutrition Assessment, Program Service Statistics)
10. Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each method (group works)
11. Interpretation of data
12. Challenges of nutrition surveillance and information system?
13. Supportive supervision
14. Wrap-up

11月17~18日の2日間、アフリカとアジアからの研修生12名に対して、「栄養のモニタリング評価」、「Essential Nutrition Actionとマルチセクター連携支援」に関する研修をファシリテートしました。
1. Participant Introductions
2. Training Purposes and Timeline
3.Quick review of basics of malnutrition
4. What is monitoring and evaluation?
5. Concept and objectives of nutrition surveillance and M&E
6. Which population groups should be monitored?
7. Anthropometric and biochemical indicators
8. Indicators of underline causes (Care Practices, Food Security, Health and morbidity, WASH)
9. How to select indicators
10. Methods for data collection (Large scale nutrition surveys, Repeated Nutrition Survey, Clinic-based monitoring, Sentinel Sites, School Census, Rapid Nutrition Assessment, Program Service Statistics)
11. Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each method (group works)
12. Interpretation of data
14. Challenges of monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions?
15. Supportive supervision
16. Wrap-up
1. Brief review of day-1
2. Training Purposes and Timeline
3. Essential Nutrition Action and Essential Hygiene Action (group work)
4.Intergenerational cycle of malnutrition
5. Interventions across the intergenerational cycles (group work)
6. Social Behavioral Change
7. Problem analysis of poor diet diversity of child feeding (group work)
8. Presentation of JICA meternal child nutrition project in Ethiopia (Multi-sector approach)
9. Challenges and solution for multi-sector approach (by country)
10. Plenary discussion
11. Wrap-up